Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Practical exam

Today morning we woke up earlier than the past days, because of the practical exam. That is why we went to sleep kinda early yesterday. As preparation, we went through the inorganic analysis reactions.
After breakfast, we went to the bus and departed with small delay, compared to the past days.
The exam was at the Agricultural University of Georgia, where they have nice labs with new labware.
We already had our lab and seat numbers on our badges and we had to gather around people with the lab number. It turned out that the head of my lab is a Hungarian guy. It makes no difference, but I was happy with it.
Now the lab exam consisted of two parts, we had a break between the first and the next two tasks. The time was split like 100/200 minutes for the two parts.
The first task was inorganic analysis, where we had 5 solution samples of 2 compounds each. We were told which 10 compounds can be in the samples and we had these 10 given out separately to be used for examination of the samples. This was not too hard and when I started reading it, I was pretty sure, that this is Attila Villányi’s task. I know he likes to make tasks like this on other competitions too.
The second one was a simple titration with Cl-/Ag+/SCN-. Nothing special.
The third was an organic analysis task, where we were given 8 samples of flavouring compounds and we had to do 4 reactions with each. They had intense smell and the lab was full of it at the end.
All of it could be done on time, unlike last year.
I was very hungry when we finished the lab exam, and I was happy to hear, that we just have to go to the next building and have lunch.

I was surprised to hear, that two students will do the exam later, due to illness. They are in the hospital with diarrhea. Good that none of us had this problem.

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